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Siemens free certification course

In today's post i am going to tell you how you can learn basics of Automation and earn a free certificate of participation in web based training from Siemens Digital industry academy.

  • Click on the following link to go on website:- WEB BASED Training.
  • Click on the Login at the top right corner if you have already registered on Siemens digital industry:- 
  • If you are new, then also don't worry, still click on login and then you find option for registering yourself as below :-

  • Now after registering, login yourself :-

  • You will now get directed to below window where you an find various course on Drive  technology, Process control systems, etc. Choose one depending on your interest. 
  • I want to learn Simatic industrial automation course , so i will click on SIMATIC Industrial automation system and  pick course from it. You can choose courses depending on your interest.

  • To book free course first select a course from English language(Type Language as :- "en")  in my case i am selecting "Simatic TIA portal Structured Programming"(click on Simatic TIA Portal Structured Programming).

  • After clicking on the course you can find complete details of course like duration, content,etc as like below.
  • To enroll yourself for course click on Dates and registration option. You can see there is 0Eur fee for the course so it is free of cost.:-
  • Click on the cart ion to book course.
  • Click on next and at last select checkbox of general terms and condition.
  • You can find enrolled training in training section and when you complete the course you can download certificate of participation in history section available in MyTraining.
  • Note :- you can attain courses as many times as you want for predefined period of time.

Enjoy Siemens free certification  course ..........


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##You can Download a ZIP file of the software From Below link. 1 ) You Can Also Watch a Video Tutorial of it  below. 2) You can also read out steps from below :-