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Configuration of Simatic manager(Siemens PLC Soft.) for simulation.

  • In this article i am going to show you how you can configure your simatic manager software for simulation.
  • In addition i will tell you how you can change your ladder program in to 1) statement list 2) Function block.

So let's start with first part- configuration of simatic manager for simulation.

Step 1 : open the simatic manager.

Step 2 : Close the wizard window.

Step 3 : Create a new project by = File >New

Step 4 : It will pop up new project window, now give name to your project and click on OK

Step 5 : Double click on to the simatic 300.

Step 6 : Now click on the hardware and start configuration of hardware.

Step 7 : first add a rail into your hardware and add the Power supply, CPU, and SM module cards at slot no 1,2,4 respectively.

you can add various SM module cards from slot 4 onward 

Step 8 : now come into simatic manager window and click on blocks and then click on OB1, and then choose a programming language you want to do program with in my case i am choosing ladder diagram as a programming language.

Step 9 : now do the program. In siemens PLC I notation is uesd for input and Q is for the output.Here i have just made a simple latching program, when input is pressed and released output gets ON. After You made a program save it.

Step 10 : Now come into simatic manager window and turn on the simulation mode. don't put the CPU in run mode as you have not uploaded the program yet.

Step 11 : Now come in the programming window and download the program, and after downloading the program put the CPU in run mode.

Step 12 : Now you can check your program output by changing the bits of input by clicking in the checkbox of input, and check the ON/OFF indication of output by green indication in ladder or tick in the output check box.

Now Second part.

Now i will tell you how you can change the ladder program in statement list or into the function block diagram.

To change the ladder diagram program into the any other programming language, just click on view > and select any programming language > and it will change your program into selected programming language. 

Thanks please comment below if you have any doubts.
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