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Block Diagram of PLC.

Hardware / Block diagram of PLC.
Above fig. shows the block diagram of PLC.

Processor ( Central processing Unit ) :-

  • This Unit consists Microprocessor.
  • The function of this block is to interprets the input signal and carries out control action according to program stored in it memory and communicate the decision as an action signal to the Output.
Power Supply :-
  • The main function of power supply is to convert mains AC voltage tot Low DC voltage (5 Volt) necessary for the processor and the circuit in the input and output interface.
Programming Devices :- 
  •  Programming Devices are used to enter the required program into the memory of the processor.
  • Initially we develop program in programming devices and then transfers to memory of PLC.
Memory Unit :-
  • This is the unit where programs are stored, that is to be used for the control action to be exercised by the microprocessor.
  • Here Data is stored from input for processing and for the output for outputting.
Input and Output Section :-
  •  This is the part of PLC system where processor received signal from external devices and communicate information to external devices.
Communication Interface :-
  • The communication interface is used to receive and transmit data on communication networks from or to other remote PLC's.
  • It is concerned with such an action as Device Verification, Data Acquisition, Synchronization between User application & Connection Management. 


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