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Q. 10 sec after output A comes ON, output B comes ON and remain ON even if output A goes off after next 20 sec's. This can be reset only by RESET instruction.

Solution :-
Here I:1/0 is start button and I:1/1 is the reset button 

  • Here a start NO contact is used with address I:1/0 and reset NC contact is connected in series with the NO start contact. when the star button is pressed output coil with address B3:0/0 gets activated which is nothing but a internal really which further set the parallel connected NO contact B3:0/0 ON.
  • In second rung of program, activated B3:0/0 set the timer T4:0 ON.
  • We have given the preset value of timer T4:0 as a 30 sec which is nothing but a total time duration for which output A and B ON. 
  • In third run of the program B3:0/0 is connected in series with grater than comperator and timers Done bit NC contact and then connceted to the Output A.You will get the same results if eliminate the first B3:0/0 NO contact in third rung.
  • In third rung when the timers accumulator value is more than 10 sec and less than 30 sec Output A gets activated.
  • When the accumulator value is more than 30 sec done  bit gets activated and in fourth rung Output B gets activated and remain ON till we press the reset value.


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